Computer Graphics - 2023 Spring

  • Instructor: Yoonsang Lee
  • Teaching Assistant: Jiwon Yi

  • Class 12286
    • Time / Location: Mon 09:00-13:00 / 502 IT.BT Building - Lecture & Lab
  • Class 12287
    • Time / Location: Mon 15:00-17:00 / 507 IT.BT Building - Lecture & Lab

Course Outline

This course introduces the basic principles of computer graphics and the necessary mathematical concepts. Topics incldues the movement and placement of objects (transformation), representation of shapes and appearance of 3D objects, representation of object or chracter animation, rendering pipeline, etc. In lab sessions, students learn how to use modern OpenGL, and are given time to check the concept of computer graphics learned in the lectures by writing their own modern OpenGL program. Unlike in previous years, modern OpenGL is used in the lab sessions and assignments, instead of legacy OpenGL.


Lecture # Lecture / Lab Topics
1 1 - Course Intro / 1 - Lab - Environment Setting
2 2 - Rendering Basics / 2 - Lab - Hello Triangle
3 3 - Transformations / 3 - Lab - Sending Data to Shaders
4 4 - Affine Space Frame Matrix / 4 - Lab - 2D Transformations, Affine Space Frame Matrix
5 5 - Vertex Processing 1 / 5 - Lab - 3D Transformations, Vertex Processing 1
6 6 - Vertex Processing 2 / 6 - Lab - Vertex Processing 2
7 7 - Hierarchical Modeling, Mesh / 7 - Lab - Hierarchical Modeling, Mesh
8 8 - Lighting / 8 - Lab- Lighting
9 9 - Orientation & Rotation / 9 - Lab - Orientation & Rotation
10 10 - Character Animation / 10 - Lab - Character Animation
11 11 - Curves / 11 - Lab - Curves
12 12 - More Lighting, Texture / 12 - Lab - Texture Mapping
13 13 - Scan Conversion, Visibility


Project 1: Basic OpenGL Viewer
Project 2: Obj Viewer & Hierarchical Modeling

Project 3: Bvh Viewer