Yoonsang Lee

Associate Professor

Department Of Computer Science
Hanyang University


I am an associate professor in the Department Of Computer Science at Hanyang University.

From 2016-2017. I was an assistant professor at School of Software of Kwangwoon University in Seoul, Korea. Before my academic career, I worked for Software Center (SWC) of Samsung Electronics in 2014-2015 as a senior engineer, and participated in the development of Tizen OS. I received my Ph.D. degree in computer science from Seoul National University in 2014 and B.S. degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Seoul National University in 2007.


Research Interests

I’ve been interested in a wide range of topics about various types of movements and their underlying mechanisms, in from virtual environment to real-world.

Learning control policies for virtual characters / physical robots
Although character control technology has made great strides in recent years using deep reinforcement learning, we’ve never seen a game with fully simulated characters. Even state-of-art controllers cannot deal with every situation a character might meet and are not enoughly robust to be employed by such real-time interactive commercial products. I believe there is much room for improvement of those techniques.

From global IT companies to general public, robots are getting more attention these days. Among various robots, I have a major interest in humanoid robots, as they are human-friendly and can use human tools. Based on my experience on controllers in virtual world, I’m doing research on the learning of control policies for real-world robots with a focus on the naturalness of motion that can be related to efficiency and safety.

Generative models for human motion synthesis
With the rapid development of deep learning technology, human motion synthesis is also advancing to an unprecedented level. Beyond the more natural, responsive, and easily controlled single-person character motion synthesis, which is the traditional goal of character animation studies, I’m trying to develop techniques that go beyond the existing results in various aspects such as the number of characters, the realism of the movements, and the intelligent aspects of the character movements.

Simulating human body / movement mechanisms
Recent progress of simulation / control techniques allows us to further understand humans. For example, we can simulate human walking with musculoskeletal system and estimate importance of each muscle. This approach can be valuable for relevant areas such as biomechanics or medical field. More understanding of humans also allows us to enhance movements of virtual characters or humanoid robots.



Open Source Projects

Personal Projects

Vim Plug-ins

  • QFEnter: Open a Quickfix item in a selected window.
  • VIntSearch: Integrated interface across various types of searches for Vim.
  • AutoCWD.vim: Auto current working directory update system for Vim.
  • TWcmd.vim: Vim’s wincmd-style extended tab / window moving commands.

Automation Scripts

  • SequentialLauncher: Automates launches of any command line interface processes and logs all their output to a file.
  • PACERs: Programming Assignments Compiling, Executing, and Reporting system

Projects Participated

  • DALi: Samsung’s home-grown, open-source & cross-platform 3D UI framework. Based on OpenGL ES and aims for rich and high-performance UI applications for embeded systems. A part of Tizen native API since Tizen 2.4. Currently hosted in the Tizen open-source repository server (review.tizen.org)